You’re getting ready to launch your new church or campus in a few months. So now is the time to get the word out to your community. Studies show that a multifaceted approach is the most effective when trying to build brand awareness. The more ways a member of the community can interact with your church, the more likely it is that they will become aware of your church’s presence in the community. And this can be particularly important when you don’t have a permanent physical presence in the community such as your own building with your sign out front. A building is a constant reminder of your church’s presence, but without that, you need to get strategic with your marketing dollars in order to get on the radar of the people in your community.
How do you accomplish this? Let’s take a look at five methods you can use that will increase the chances of an effective pre-launch strategy.
- Mobilize your launch team. The most effective means of marketing, hands down, are enthusiastic members of your launch team who are empowered and motivated to be bringers, not just inviters. You can mobilize your launch team with invitations that are small enough to fit in a wallet or purse or back pocket. This way, your launch team is more likely to carry the invitations with them to work, school, or throughout their day.
- Community involvement. Being active in the community during the pre-launch phase shows your commitment to your community in a way that makes a lasting impression. Find a local event where your team can serve however needed and be strategic to provide church branded t-shirts for your volunteers to wear while they serve. While Radiant Printing does not offer t-shirts, if you don’t have a local company you want to use, consider using our good friends at They’ll take good care of you.
- Direct mail campaign. Direct mail is a process that can take anywhere from five to six weeks to complete. So make sure you are prepared by starting the process early. Our team can walk you through the process. Find out more about getting started by going HERE.
- Door hangers. This could fall under the “mobilize your launch team” section. This is a great way to touch base with your immediate neighbors a couple of weeks before launch. Order your door hangers and match the basic design of your direct mail postcard. Schedule your volunteers to hang them on doors the Saturday a week before your launch weekend.
- Social media ads. Direct mail is a great way to reach certain people within your target audience. Social media ads will reach another portion of that target market that direct mail may not reach. Although Radiant Printing doesn’t offer social media ads at this time, we work with The Rocket Media who will do a fantastic job for your church.
Our aim is to be a resource to the local church and to church planters. We have a team of relationship specialists available to discuss your needs with you to see what would be the best use of your funds. Reach out today to request a free, no obligation consultation by emailing us at [email protected].
Pro Tip: Keep the look of everything you do very similar to make it easy for the people who interact with your marketing pieces to connect the dots from one piece to the next. The more connecting points a person has with your brand, the more likely they will become aware of your presence in the community which raises the likelihood of them checking out your church.